We offer CBD-rich tinctures made from hard to find heritage medicinal strains, a curated selection of THC flowers and cannabinoid isolates deemed capable of enhancing efficacy when blended with our full flower/spectrum products. Our blends provide members with a full range of choices when addressing pain, disease, stress and insomnia.
Why Olive Oil? Olive oil tinctures have proved themselves here at Synergy for over a decade. They are an excellent vehicle for long lasting CBD support. Good for those who choose sublingual ingestion or desire the added benefit of omega-6 & omega-3 essential fatty acids. Our Organic Olive oil is locally sourced and sustainably grown in Sebastopol, CA. Shelf life is 1+ year when kept out of direct sunlight & heat.
Why Sesame Oil? Recent studies show that sesame seed oil can increase the absorption of both CBD & THC in the lymphatic system exponentially over other carriers. Sesame oil has a soft, nutty taste. Shelf life is 1+ year when kept out of direct sunlight & heat. Learn more >>.
Why Alcohol? Alcohol is the fastest acting of carriers. This makes it a good choice for “as needed” pain applications and in particular Migraine prevention. It may also be preferable for those with sensitive palates activated by chemotherapy or anyone who might have trouble with the taste or texture of cannabis in oil. Alcohol should be buffered with a small amount of water or juice. Shelf stable for 2+ years. Learn more>>