The Benefits and Advantages of Vaping Cannabis

- by Billee Sharp

Vaping is a relatively new technology, the first vape pens became available in the 1990s, known as ‘e-cigarettes’, they were touted as a tobacco-smoking cessation aid and quickly became popular. The technology attracted the attention of the cannabis community and ‘desktop vaporizers’ were developed. The advantages of a smokeless inhalation device appealed to cannabis clinicians as a clean and fast method for getting cannabinoids into the bloodstream via the lungs.

Inhalation has long been accepted as the fastest route for the rapid onset of effect, but smoking has several drawbacks. Inhaling tar and plant particulates is not good for anybody, particularly those dealing with respiratory issues. Smoking plant material is also an inefficient delivery method as so much medicine literally goes up in smoke, it is estimated that only 5% of available cannabinoids are actually absorbed through the lungs when smoking.


Vaping nicotine has garnered a bad reputation because of the impurity of the nicotine cartridges which often contain unhealthy fillers and additives which are unsuitable for inhalation. Nicotine vapes, unlike cannabis vapes, are physically addictive. Companies have been sued for promoting vapes as a safe method to conquer a smoking habit while actually promoting nicotine addiction and introducing dangerous additives with subsequent negative health effects. Vaping any substance produced using low quality extraction processes or containing chemical additives can be damaging. Vape cartridges should always be scrutinised for purity of ingredients and purchased from a reliable company.


A good cannabis vape cartridge will contain only pure cannabis distillate oil, extracted via alcohol or CO2, which is considered to be the cleanest method. Synergy Wellness carries only CO2 extracted oils containing no additives. Vaping concentrated cannabis oil delivers more cannabinoids than regular smoke inhalation. Using a vape pen, optimum doses can be calibrated puff by puff and because of the rapid onset of effect, topping up a dose is simply an extra puff or two.


There are many conditions where a rapid onset of relief from symptoms is highly desirable. At Synergy Wellness we particularly recommend vaping for pain relief, anxiety and panic disorders, mood modulation, anti-nausea w/appetite stimulation and to ward off imminent migraine. We offer eight different cannabinoid cartridges to address these different needs.


For the fastest relief of pain: arthritic, neuropathic, chronic or episodic we suggest any THC vape. For muscle spasms we prefer Indica varieties and for nausea we prefer Sativa. A combination of CBD and THC is also analgesic with CBD acting on inflammation while THC works on pain relief. 


Varying ratios of cannabinoids are available in vape form. We have 1:1, 4:1 and 8:1 (CBD:THC) to address different needs and pain levels. A higher CBD to THC ratio might be preferable for dealing with pain at times when very little alteration of consciousness is necessary (work days), when pain is lighter or anti- inflammatory/anti-anxiety effects are desired along with your pain reliever a 1:1 or full strength THC vape may be in order. We are happy to help guide you on best choices! 


Setting a dose with a vape pen is easily achieved with incremental inhales, start with a couple of puffs and see if you feel an effect, if you don’t begin to feel some relief, take a couple more inhales. This is how you can set your dose, many people use the vape pen sparingly to great effect.


In addition to the value of rapid onset of effect and precise dosing, vaping is a discreet & affordable delivery system. Unlike conventional smoking which is pungent and unmistakable, vapor has a light odor which is short-lived and most often goes undetected. This is a huge advantage for many people, particularly those who need to top up doses regularly. There is a great deal of medication in each cartridge making vape a very cost effective affordable delivery method.

Many Synergy members who choose to vape had never smoked cannabis or didn’t like the idea of smoking anything due to the negative connotations of lung health. Vaping can be a valuable tool for those who have not found relief using other methods and we encourage our members to keep an open mind to this innovative and effective new way of using plant medicine.

Love Begins Within

by Nurse Lauren

 Love is a word with a significance and essence unlike other words. While it may be one of the most commonly used words of human utterance, to define it in any certain way is a challenge. Most frequently we see it used as a noun, as if it is something to be bought, sold, or won. People toss this word around like an overused towel, to be given haphazardly to one only to be taken away and given to the next. This is not love, this outward verbiage couldn’t be further away from what love is.

True love cannot be given and taken away due to the fickle fancies of the mind. Love is a constant state of awareness and depth that once realized, has no end. Love does not begin in the mind, nor does it begin in rationalities of thought. Love is a deep awakening of the soul to the current of life that runs through all beings, indeed, love is an act of remembrance of how precious and necessary each and every part of this deeply connected universe is. 


True selfless nurturing love is the gateway to paradise on this earth. It is an act of courage and rebellion in a society that has convinced us all that love is everything that it is not. True love is not self-serving, nor a product of attachment. It is not to be contrived, or even defined accurately with easily misconstrued words. It most certainly is not for the faint of heart. It includes all the grisly bits that most would rather avoid.


True love is a verb, a perpetual series of actions and expressions. It is a willingness to be continually observant and receptive to the ever changing dynamics of life, in real-time. True love is to forever plunge into the depths of oneself, intent on discovering the prima materia of the soul of all souls. It is a commitment to self-study and self-mastery, which is imperative for surviving and thriving in this life. Just as you would study any course to bring about clarity and comprehension, time spent studying oneself is essential beyond measure. Giving ourselves graceful attention is how we learn to nurture ourselves. Nurturing is a sacred act. Nurturing oneself deeply is the ultimate embodiment of love in this life, for it gives us the tools required to nurture one another. Only to the depths that you have met yourself can you meet another. To put it bluntly, experiencing true love comes entirely from a change within you. 


The act of observing and sitting with your own pain and discomfort brings with it the gifts of wisdom and empathy. Suffering knows no one race, creed, sex, or religion. Suffering is universal in its nature. It is in our sufferings that our humanity lies. Bringing oneself back into alignment with this fact brings with it the clarity required to walk the path of love and truth. Knowing thyself is the ultimate act of love and freedom. Tending your own internal garden is the only effective way to change the world. In tending your garden, you allow others to enjoy the fruits of your labor, it is the way to inspire others to do the same by virtue of the beauty they experience in your presence. Love is healing yourself for the collective, because we truly are all interconnected. If you want to learn how to tend your garden, it is wise to take some cues from the plants.


Slowing down is the key to gaining the perspective needed to take care of yourself, and thus, each other. Cannabis is essential at assisting with slowing down in this hectic day and age. Cannabis allows our nervous systems to relax and in so doing, assists the body to function effectively. Healing, digestion, organ maintenance, disease suppression, and so many other processes can not happen when we are in a constant state of fight or flight. Cannabis takes the body and places it into a space of calm safety and allows these processes to continue undeterred. Meditation, exercise, healthy diet, fresh water, and plant medicine are all crucial parts of self love in the rushed state we find ourselves in. Plants always remind us to slow down, as Mother Nature never rushes yet everything is always accomplished. 

Take time to show yourself some nurturing love this Valentine’s Day, and everyday. 

Doing so is how you can do your part to demonstrate this wisdom for the collective, and heal the world.

The Magic of Gratitude - by Nurse Lauren

What is a life without gratitude? It is like a ship without a sea, darkness without light, endless cold without warmth. Gratitude is the difference between a life celebrated and a life merely tolerated, it is what makes our struggles have meaning at the end of the day. As human beings we have brains that are highly programmable, so much so that there are endless ways that our attention is preyed upon to the detriment of our mental and physical health. This endless distraction is the cause of much suffering, as the baseline misalignment that so many of us live in causes stress that can take a huge toll on our health and well being. If our minds are distracted and confused our bodies follow suit, as above so below. It is a law of the universe that we cannot avoid. A distracted mind will lead to a confused nervous system, a confused immune system, and so forth. Endless dis-ease ensues. Health and feeling good is a process of slowing down and reprogramming the human mind to focus attention on what is actually happening internally, rather than looping through endless external distractions that are provided for us so that we never access our true power.

There are many scientific studies that have shown how our thoughts make our reality, how we literally think ourselves into health and prosperity or into dis-ease and lack. Our thoughts are actual neural pathways in our brain that we pass through electrically when we think. These neural pathways are formed with repetition over time. The good news is we have full control over our thoughts when we decide to become self aware enough to pay attention to them. With dedicated practice and focus we can overhaul our thoughts entirely and refocus on our free will in this life. A simple daily gratitude practice will quite literally re-wire the brain to experience joy, and when done long enough the brain begins to remain in that state at baseline. What a magical phenomenon, we write the story in which we live! There are many studies as well that highlight the healing that takes place while the body is in a relaxed state. The immune system struggles to work effectively when we are in a consistent state of fight or flight, which unfortunately has become where most of the modern populous has found themselves. The use of THC and various forms of CBD will assist the body out of fight or flight, enhancing the ability of the immune system to do its work efficiently. Finding a calm sense of gratitude daily is the difference between being stressed, sick, and controlled by your thoughts and programming, or being healthy, at ease and filled with joy. It’s really quite simple.

During this time of year we are inundated with even more distractions, consumption, and potential exhaustion and burnout. We must remember to take care of ourselves if we wish to be of service to others, as we are all a facet of the same beautiful stone. To care for and walk in alignment with oneself is the ultimate show of love for humanity. We are the parts that make up the whole, we are but spirit masquerading as flesh. Developing a reliable gratitude practice is one way to do your part in this world, as bringing joy to yourself means bringing joy to the collective, as we are one and the same. Bringing cannabis into your practice can enhance the feelings of calm and wellbeing required to facilitate healing in your body. Meditation and cannabis have been used for millennia by the sages as a means to access the divine and dance in ecstatic bliss. It’s time for us to observe these practices as an integral means to heal this world via healing each one of ourselves. Living in our power is like taking the reins of our own well-being, it is an indispensable part of a life well lived. May you all find the power of spirit that burns so brightly within every human soul. May we all learn to live in love and gratitude every day of our lives.